Far From the Madding Crowd: Book and Movie Review

The Info Far From the Madding Crowd is a novel by Thomas Hardy and was just adapted into a movie with a limited theater release.  This isn’t it’s first screen adaptation with movies in 1915, 1967, 1998 as well as multiple stage adaptations.  Although the original story was created in a time period I read…

FoodBabble: Yorkshire Pudding

The History Yorkshire pudding is made from a few basic ingredients: flour, eggs, and milk.  Traditionally, it was flavored with the drippings from a roast.  When meat was commonly cooked on a spit the pudding was placed underneath and it collected drippings for flavor as they fell.  Now-a-days we mostly associate yorkshire pudding with a beef…

FoodBabble: A New Project

I recently spent an afternoon slowly shifting through the aisles of Half Priced Books.  This particular Half Priced Books has an aisle for rare, vintage, or signed books.  This is especially exciting for me as I have a fun little habit of stockpiling old books.  In this aisle I found two very large ornately covered books…